Our most absorbent pee-proof panties,??Absorb Ultra Briefs??are??great??for moderate to heavy bladder leakage.??
This high-waisted design looks and feels just like normal panties except they are made with super-absorbent technology. Our leakproof??underwear provides you with both comfort and confidence to live your best life and not have to worry about embarrassing leakage.??
Absorb Ultra??Briefs?? Pee Proof??panties are made with ultra-absorbent technology free of plastic & harmful chemicals. They have been lab-tested to be hyper-absorbent, leak-proof, odor resistant, stretchable, breathable, and super-durable.
Absorb Ultra??Briefs??are??so soft and comfy, they will quickly become your best friend in dealing with bladder leakage, menstrual periods, and post-baby bleeding.
Special Features:????
- High waisted briefs
- Multi-Use pee-proof and period-proof panties
- Comfortable, breathable, stretch fabric
- Proven absorbency and??leak-proof??
- Absorbs 50ml worth of fluid
- Plastic-free and eco-friendly
- Reusable saves you money
- Odor resistant
- Tummy support
- Machine washable and dryer safe
- Available in Black??